Michele Stocker, Greenberg Traurig co-chair of the Consumer Financial Services Litigation Practice, was recently quoted by the Florida Record regarding the ruling made in the case of Bartram v. U.S. Bank. She stated that “the Florida Supreme Court’s decision finally brings some clarity to the issue and will allow judges who have been reluctant to rule on foreclosure cases to move forward with ones that have been pending for years. Now everyone knows what is and isn’t permissible.”
She also indicated that she does not “think the increase will be that significant since the banks will continue to offer loss mitigation options to their customers. The bank’s efforts, coupled with the improving economy, will continue to limit the number of new filings.”
To learn more about this ruling, please read GT Alert “In Bartram, Florida Supreme Court Holds That Statute Of Limitations Does Not Bar The Filing Of A Second Mortgage Foreclosure Action” authored by Kimberly Mello, Michele Stocker and Jonathan Tannen.