On May 23, 2019, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB 1024 (Florida Blockchain Bill) into law to establish the Florida Blockchain Task Force (Blockchain Task Force) within the Florida Department of Financial Services. The Blockchain Task Force will study if and how Florida’s state, county, and municipal governments can benefit from a transition to blockchain-based systems for recordkeeping, data security, financial transactions, and service delivery, and identify ways blockchain technology can be used to improve government interaction with businesses and the public.

The Florida legislation recognizes that blockchain and distributed ledger technology allow the secure recording of transactions and that blockchain can facilitate more efficient government service delivery, including facilitating safe paperless transactions and recordkeeping protected from cyberattacks and data destruction. With the passing of the Florida Blockchain Bill, Florida has joined a growing list of states – including New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Wyoming — that have formed task forces to study the potential benefits of blockchain.

To read the full GT Alert, click here.

*Special thanks to Alexander M. Capelli˘ for his assistance with this Alert.
˘Not admitted to practice law.