Fred E. Karlinsky, co-chair of Greenberg Traurig’s Insurance Regulatory and Transactions Practice Group and a shareholder within the Financial Regulatory and Compliance Group, was the speaker for a course titled “The U.S. Insurance Market: Introduction to Excess and Surplus Lines and Recent Developments in Insurance Regulation” put on by Insurance Market Conferences (IMC) Oct. 22, in London. Karlinsky delivered the same presentation in the London office of Bell & Clements, Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers, earlier that week.

Karlinsky is a frequent speaker on insurance-related trends and legislative initiatives for many industry groups.

Karlinsky also spoke on the regulation of Managing General Agencies in the U.S. Insurance Market at IMC’s Oct. 22 “Binding Authority” Seminar and co-presented the Oct. 21 panel titled “Emerging issues” with Bernie Heinze, Executive Director of the American Association of Managing General Agents (AAMGA).