Nanette Aguirre, a shareholder in the New York City office of Greenberg Traurig, LLP, has joined the board of Florida Alternative Investment Association (FLAIA). FLAIA is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to establishing Florida as an international leader for alternative investment management.

In addition to newly being appointed to the FLAIA board, Aguirre spoke at the 22nd Annual Alpha Hedge East Conference, co-sponsored by FLAIA. For investment professionals, the event includes panels from industry leaders and ample networking opportunities. In a FLAIA press release announcing Aguirre’s position on its board, Michael Corcelli, chairman and founder of the organization, stated, “Nanette brings years of experience in negotiating all forms of international derivatives, trading and prime brokerage deals with global institutions. She is a frequent adviser on regulatory issues affecting the market, including cross-border regulations and Dodd-Frank.”